Tuesday, 26 September 2017

Bariatric Surgery – A Solution For Innumerable Illness In Human

Do you find yourself highly obese? Are you getting negative results on excess dieting and rigorous exercises? How about a solution that helps you to reduce in large scale with minimum exercise and diet chart rules? The thought of reducing without exercising and dieting makes us think about supplement drugs and their side effects. But there is a better and scientific solution to these problems with Bariatric surgery.
Bariatric surgery description in brief:
Bariatric Surgery, as the names says, is a surgical solution for obese people to reduce weight by operating out a part of their stomach or reduction in the stomach size with the help of gastric band. This is laparoscopic surgery method that requires expert hands. Though a patient needs to restrict oneself before and after this operation for several months, this has proved to be the most effective and best way to reduce in many cases.

Benefits of Bariatric Surgery in brief:
Bariatric Laparoscopic surgeon Hyderabad has, are very much in demand among people because of the benefits that one get out of this surgery. The main reasons people opt for bariatric surgery is –
1.      Reduction in weight of an individual to a great extent without the need to extreme exercises. This is not a reduction solution recommended for everyone but only for people with BMI of 40 and above.
2.      Another big reason is the benefit of getting reduce rate of morbidity and mortality.
3.      Fertility in women is increased to a great extent.
4.      It is even said to affect the psychiatric health of people.
Bariatric surgery and relation with laparoscopy and thyroid:
The first thing that a person needs to about bariatric surgery is that, it is a surgery done by surgeons who are expert in laparoscopy. So if you are planning to get a bariatric surgery done then you need to look for the best laparoscopic surgeon Telengana has to offer. Bariatric surgery is directly related to obesity in a person hence Thyroid problems are also related in a chain.
It is a very well known fact that TSH is needed in our body to maintain proper BMI. Obesity is the result of high level of TSH. Hence it is obvious that gastric bypass, one of the major steps of bariatric surgery, has effects on TSH level in body. Studies have revealed that a patient enjoys significantly decreased level of TSH for long time, almost 12 months, post a bariatric surgery. So when you consider undertaking bariatric surgery considers consulting Thyroid Surgeon Telengana has. 

Diseases Like Obesity Is Ruling The World Now With Fear

Obesity is a life-threatening disease in today’s world. The number of obese people is multiplying day by day. But everybody is concern about getting healthy. It is not possible for anyone to be healthy with an improper diet or lifestyle. Maintaining disciplined lifestyle with good eating habits is essential. Often these are not possible when you are after the busy moving earth. So people find alternatives to be healthy. But how can you be healthy and also saves your time? Dr. V Pareek just gives you the right solution for the problem.

Doctor to help you in getting the body healthy

Dr. V Prateek is a well-known laparoscopic surgeon of Hyderabad. Within 12 years he has a record of undergoing nearly 9000 laparoscopic surgeries which were successful. He is considered as the most eminent doctor in laparoscopic surgeries in south India. The laparoscopic surgeries include a lot of options-the appendix Cholecystectomy, PCOD, ovarian cystectomy, hernia repairs, single port surgeries, hysterectomies and much more. So if you are suffering from any of those problems, consult with the doctor.

How to deal with the hormone problem of body

Dr. Pareek is also considered to be best as the parathyroid surgeon. Any cases of the parathyroid or thyroid glands can be consulted with him. Many surgeries are essential in some cases. As a thyroid surgeon in Hyderabad, any issues with the glands can be well handled by Dr. Pareek. He has a history of undergoing 700+ parathyroid and thyroid surgeries.

Being healthy is an important factor. The doctor always suggests being healthy. Whether it’s your weight or your hormone, check out for any problem. Solve the issue instantly. That would help you to lead a healthy life for a longer period. Surgeries are not something to be feared for. These are the way of treating the various problems of our body. So take the right step now for a healthy mind.

Minimize the Obesity Problem with the Best Treatment

Today, people have suffered from different problems. People need to take the best treatment for solving the problems. The laparoscopic ...